Frequently asked questions
You can find your maturity date in your passbook and the letter we sent when you opened your account. You can also call our automated line on 03301 744 472.
If your account is maturing in the next 12 months, check our savings account maturity page for your maturity date. You’ll need your account name and issue number which can be found on a letter or email we sent you about opening your account.
We’ll send you a letter or email about two weeks before your maturity date to tell you your options and how to tell us your maturity choice. We'll carry out your instructions on your maturity day.
Make a bank transfer
You’ll need your full name, as it shows on your account. This helps with fraud checks.
Sort code: 08-61-19
The first 8 digits of your 10-digit account number. You’ll find your account number in your passbook and the letter we sent when you opened your account. It’s also in your annual statement and your online account.
Reference: use your own choice of reference.
If you try to make a bank transfer within 24 hours of account opening you may receive notification that the account details can’t be validated. Before continuing, check you’ve entered the details correctly.
In branch
You can pay money directly into your account at one of our branches using cash, cheque or card. We can only accept five correctly sorted coin bags per branch visit, except for Children's accounts where we accept 10.
If you have an online only account, log in, choose the account you want to take money out of, select either Withdraw or Payments and Transfers and follow the instructions.
For any other accounts or if you don’t have online access, pop into your local branch.
Some accounts have limited access. If you’re not sure on your account access, check the product terms and conditions.
You can also call us or write to us.
It’s possible to have multiple Cash ISAs but there are a few rules:
- You can only subscribe to one Cash ISA in a single tax year with Leeds Building Society. In the same year, other providers might allow you to invest in a Cash ISA or additional ISAs, if you’re aged 18 or over, subject to ISA limits.
- You can only benefit from tax-free savings up to £20,000 per tax year.
Read about ISA Transfers for more information
Don’t worry if the payment doesn’t show in your balance straight away. It'll show in your account balance the next working day.
To check your interest rate, log in to your account. On the Account Management screen, select the account you want to know the interest rate for. The key information for that account will show. You can also find your interest rate in your passbook and Terms and Conditions for the account.
For a variable rate account that’s no longer available to open, you can see interest rates on closed issue accounts on our website.
We pay compound interest on savings accounts. This means paying interest on interest! The first time interest is calculated on your savings, it’s only earned on the original savings balance. If you leave that interest in the account, the second time it’s calculated is on your original savings and the first lot of interest. So the longer you leave your interest in the savings account, the more you’ll earn.
The date your interest will be paid depends on the terms and conditions (T&Cs) of the account you’ve opened. If you can’t find the T&Cs, give us a call.
Savings support useful links
Automated line
- Check balance
- Request a mini, interest or transactional statement
- Check maturity date
24 hours a day
Speak to us
All Savings enquiries
- Mon - Fri: 8am - 6pm
- Sat: 9am - 5pm
- Sunday and bank holidays: Closed
Write to us
Our Head office
26 Sovereign Street
West Yorkshire
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Send us a query
Send an online query using our online form
Send a complaint
Let us know if something’s gone wrong. Visit our complaints page for more information